Lega Navale Italiana Livorno
Molo Mediceo, 12 A
57123 – Livorno (LI)
Tel.: 0586 896567
Fax: 0586 896567
E-mail: livorno@leganavale.it
Sito web: www.lnilivorno.it
The Lega Navale Italiana, of whom 120 anniversary is celebrated this year, was set up in La Spezia in 1897 with the aim of spreading, particularly among young people, the love of the sea and contribute to strengthening the knowledge and participation of citizens, without any exclusion, to all activities related to the marine environment, from pleasure craft to professions.
The Lega Navale Italiana, public corporation, is supervised by the Ministry of Defence and from that of infrastructures and transports, with which it cooperates. It is also recognized by the competent Ministry as environmental protection agency.
In addition to the aforementioned ministries, is working with the Ministry of University and research.
The section of Livorno is present in the city since 1904 and works in synergy with the institutions and active associations in the ‘social’ in defence of the weakest, which provides its own boats and structures, through the voluntary work of its members.